During this reflection a found object is placed in the ground on a cold winter day. The object was previously fastened into a block of concrete. In this dual channel projection the following text is displayed in tandem with the documentation of the performance:
Growing up there were only a few kids on the cul de sac.
The first time I ever stole I was very young and it was from the kid at the end of the street.
He was showing me a bunch of his toys while we were in his room.
For some reason a small turtle figurine caught my eye. It had red shoes, or perhaps, a red belly.
It stood on its' hind legs.
I don't remember why, but he left the room before me. Quickly, I took the turtle and put it in my pocket.
On the way home I notice it made a large bulge in the pocket of my jeans.
Fearing my mother would ask what was in my pocket and knowing I had done something wrong, I went into the backyard.
I hid the turtle in a planter where iris and other plants created a dense ground covering.
My senior year of High School I was removing weeds in the back planters and spraying poison to kill the ones I could not uproot.
Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a bit of red beneath some of the debris.
I reached out and removed the small object from the dirt.
Immediately, I recognized the turtle figurine in my hand.